When you printed an delivery note but you can't create an invoice because you get this message:


or this one:

are these reasons possible: 

1. Most often the cause is that for creating the delivery note it was just "Delivery note" selected instead of the correct selection "Delivery note with issue".

You can see it in the state of the order which is only "Ord. printed, DN printed" but not "Ord. printed, DN printed, stock delivery" .

You can also check it when you open the delivery note just with the number without any other filter - tab "Mengen" and check the column "Issued" where the quantity is 0.

If it looks like this, please copy the delivery note number. Open the application "Goods issue " insert the delivery note and press ok. 

You will see the positions of the delivery note again with all the quantities. With saving you will issue the delivery note.

You can see the issue in the stock journal and now you are able to print the invoice.

2. It can be because the order and/or the delivery note are set to "Lock Invoice". 

This can simply be removed in the header (F7 view - "Header" tab) of the relevant process by deselecting the checkbox.