When you like to search for the description of an item you may need to search for two information to get all items.

1. The first option is the field "Short description". But here it only search in one specific database field.

This information you see in the item view (F6-View) in the field short description.

When the short description is a different one as you are looking for. You will probably get the items you are looking for when you search as well in the translations. 

2. To be able to search in the translation you need to work with an "extensive search". You find this in the right upper corner under "Open by" - Extensive search"



Because we already created a global filter. You will find  "Item Description foreign language/ Recherche Désignation" in the extensive search dialog when you check the field "Filter"

The dialog shows you two fields you can limit your search. 

- the language you can select - like English

- and in the Foreign language text you can search for the expression you are looking for. If you are looking for expamples for spacer you should add %spacer%. (With % at the beginning and end)

Press apply (1) and you will get all items which have an English translation with the word "spacer". 

If you like to use this search more often. You can add it to your favourites by pressing the button (2).

You find this search under favourites (in the left part of workspace where you also see the application tree) under the part Item. 

Instead of opening it with a (left) mouse click you can edit the search immediately when you do a right mouse click and select edit.

The above dialog for the extensive search is opening and you can edit the description you are looking for.